Wednesday, August 15, 2012

Meeting this Friday, August 17

Brookfield presents
Full-Year Charity Partnership with
Habitat for Humanity - New York City

Friday, August 17, 2012
12 - 2pm
World Financial Center Courtyard, next to Starbucks

Afghan Assembly This Week!
Finish up those afghan panels - this week, we'll assemble them to make complete projects to include in the distribution kits for the families at the new St. John's Residences, which will be mailed to them in time for their move into their new homes in mid-September.

Invitation from Habitat for Humanity
Habitat for Humanity - New York has invited all members of In The Loop to join them at the Dedication 
Cerermony on September 15th in Oceans Hill - Brownsville!
All projects in 2012 will be donated to new homeowners of the
St. John's Residences to be built in OceanHill-Brownsville
Habitat - NYC.

Projects can no longer be dropped off at the Arts Brookfield office
between meetings. If you have completed a project and will not
be able to attend the next meeting, please mail it to Ina at her studio:

Ina Braun
Tante Sophie et Cie.
21 Broadway
Denville, NJ 07834